Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KOLISRAEL.TV: Re: Parashat Lej-Lejá, por Rav Alfredo Goldschmidt desde Bogotá

Re: Parashat Lej-Lejá, por Rav Alfredo Goldschmidt desde Bogotá
de EduPlanet Rectorate (daniEl I. Ginerman) - Wednesday, 31 de October de 2007, 20:40
 shalóm, javérim! celebro la proximidad espiritual que me permite ayudarles, y el honor que me hacéis al permitirme cultivar junto a vosotros el celo por la Verdad.

sólo para agregar algo de respaldo contextual a lo dicho días atrás acerca de la red de Michael Laitman, les copio aquí debajo un testimonio enviado por "Jason" al foro "Noachide" en yahoogroups (en inglés).
mis brajót,


Michael Laitman's False Kabbalah

Posted by: "Jason" 

Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:18 pm (PST)

In the past I have posted an article written by Michael Laitman and I
believed that he was doing a good work in his promotion of what
initially appeared to be authentic Kabbalah. I was apparently wrong
however. At first I believed Laitman's group "Bnei Baruch" to be
fraudulent but I relented to accepting it as legitimate whenever I
found A-Z Torah Institute a supposed web site that is the official
representative of Rav Brandwein's teachings. On this website the
Laitman group is continuously linked to and referred to. I warily
accepted the possibility that this group was legitimate although many
signs showed otherwise. Recently any favorable outlook I have had
towards this group has come crashing down. Michael Laitman came to
St. Louis last weekend and publicly denounced the Torah. This was not
a private proclamation but there are 150 witnesses. I wrote this
group that is apparently associated with Rav Brandweins legacy and I
stated the following:

I came across your web site awhile back as I was looking for
authentic info. concerning Rav Brandwein and the teachings of Baal
HaSulam. I noticed that you have links to Michael Laitman's group
Bnei Baruch. I assumed that this group was authentic to the teachings
of Kabbalah but after researching them for over a year now I have
concluded otherwise. The Laitman organization is anti-Torah and
refute any notion of its physical observance. At first I came across
this repeatedly on their web site but I brushed it off. Then a local
group in St. Louis which is headed by a Michael Kellog (the official
representative of BB) told a colleague of mine and myself that "the
Torah is rubbish." We were able to settle this matter once and for
all when last weekend Michael Laitman appeared here in St. Louis for
his first USA convention. We asked him staright out what his position
is concerning the observance of Torah and he told us matter-of-factly
that the Torah is not to be observed because that is a cultural thing
of the Jews and that the Torah does not relate to physicality only
spirituality therefore any physical observance of commandments is
useless and a waste of time. He also stated that Moses did not give
laws of physical observance but the ignorance of the Jews created such
things. Now I have my information from the source. This is opposite
of what Rav Brandwein taught particularly within the Yeshiva he created.

Bnei Baruch teaches that the Torah is purely allegorical with no
physical application. However the Torah exists of 4 levels referred
to as PaRDeS. The physical observance of the Torah as elucidated by
the authentic Kabbalah effects a degree of transcendence above the
nefesh behemis level of ones self. This is fundamental to authentic
Kabbalah. You also have a link to the Chabad on your web site, which
is a Chassidic sect based on the philosophy of the relationship of
physical mitzvot with Kabbalistic philosophy. It therefore seems odd
that on your website you have linked the Chabad and Bnei Baruch.
Therefore I thought that perhaps you are unaware of Laitman's
teachings concerning Torah observance.

There is enough Kabbalistic mania and pop-culture invasion of the
sacred and it is giving authentic kabbalah an inauthentic veneer. If
you are legitimate followers of Rav Brandwein then please don't
besmudge his reputation by associating him or his teachings with Bnei


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